Cue Jazmine Sullivan Voice:
So I never leave the house without make-up on,
I keep mascara in my pocket if I'm running to the market
Cause you never know who's watching you
So I got to stay on, I got to stay on
Insert Record Scratch…
Yeah, this is not me…I am notorious for running out the house looking any kind of way! I know before you say it. I have heard it all.
He could be at the grocery store, at the red light, at the pump…who knows.
Here is my dilemma; I want a man to like me for me, not the me with make-up on, spanx, hair coiffed. Just me in sweats and a t-shirt.
I have this fear that once he sees me without all of that it’s over because I misrepresented myself. Overthinking it…maybe but I would rather meet him au natural.
I have heard to many stories of guys saying she didn’t look like this when we met…I DO NOT want to be her.
I know your next response…how’s that working for me?
Umm, you know the answer…I am almost 40 now what lol!
Change is good; well that’s what the people say. They also say to get something you want, you have to do something you’ve never done.
So, I am going to try not to leave the house looking a mess, if I'm being really honest there have been times I have hid from people because I looked so awful.
I am going to try and keep it cute all the time...who am I kidding most of the time. Not just when I'm going out with friends. Even to the grocery store. Pray for me!
I’m starting this weekend; it’s a holiday weekend at that so I’m going to try this out.
My name is CaNesha and I will not leave the house without mascara and lip gloss... let’s see how this goes.
It’s hot though so the spanx may not get to go out!
At the end of the day I may never know why I haven't found the one yet but I can continue to work on me until he comes. I mean I'm not getting any younger.
As the song says you never know who’s watching.
I got this…I think!
Almost 40
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