Friday, January 22, 2016

You Only Get One Life To Live!!

My Goal for 40!!
I have been thinking all day…really all week what to blog about this week and I had ideas but I just didn’t feel them enough in my spirit to share. Then Snow Apocalypse 2016 gave me a free day and what does one do on a free day besides watch the DVR and eat…hang out on social media on and off all day.

I saw this post above and I thought that’s it…this is what my whole journey to 40 is for…this is where I want to be.

I think I have said before I feel like I wasted my 20’s and most of my 30’s just trying everything, worrying, stressing and to be honest I am over it. I want true happiness, when I wake up every day I want to be happy about everything. Yes, I will have issues and problems will arise but I want to be that person who can handle them and keep pushing. Not the one that wants to lie under the covers and eat & sleep all day.

I want to enjoy life, live in the moment, and love all of me for simply who God made me!!

But here’s the downside to all of that…it doesn’t happen overnight. Whyyyyyyyy??? These are all things I want to work on, I have to work on. I have heard people say when you get in your 40’s you just get it, it’s great. I want to walk in my 40’s like Beyoncé…see video attached and I just might wear that outfit too :)!

But I have to work on it…which means all of these 1st world problems I have to let go and I have to not only say it but believe that God will always work it all out.

So, here we are 476 days out from my 40th birthday so I have time and I’m going to do it. But don’t expect the Beyoncé walk to soon but believe me its coming!

I do not know everything and I am learning everyday more and more about myself and life in general but what I do know is one day I am going to get it and when I do…you will know because that walk will be right. Again see video attached LOL!


Almost 40

Friday, January 15, 2016


This isn’t happening…I can’t believe it…It is official I have a planner ughhhhhhh!!!

I am/was so against these things I even talked about people who had one and/or gave them a mean side-eye.

Let me explain…well I’m not sure I can I just know I think it’s so annoying when I’m like hey do you want to grab dinner and someone is like let me see if I’m free. In my head it is a simple yes or no. I feel like that’s so bougie or you are pretending to be important and ain’t nobody got time for that.

So, yes I would give major side-eye or be like OMG are you really that important or do you really have that much to do…girl bye!  

Last year I forgot a lot of stuff and/or double booked and it was  bad so I had to come to terms with the fact that I need a better plan than my memory. Guess almost 40 means memory skills suck!

Some people have commented to me just use your cell phone…yeah that doesn’t work for me because I usually miss the alarm or ignore it and I still forget. So, I bit the bullet and bought a planner…picture attached. And it is already filling up.

I would like to apologize to all the people I talked about and/or side-eyed I didn’t mean it…well I meant it but I didn’t understand. So, for that I am truly sorry. I thought you were pretending to be important. I now know you were just keeping your life in order. Clearly I like to live La Vida Loca LOL!!

Seems the older I get the busier I get which I’m not complaining because busy keeps my mind off of my 1st World Problems.

This planner is going to make me a better friend, better employee, better committee member, and just a better person overall. I am glad I am growing even if it is something as simple as a planner all growth is good right?  

But FYI if you ask me to do something and I say let me check my planner feel free to talk about me and/or side-eye me…I deserve it.

I am trying really hard just to be a better me in general so if this stupid planner…yes I still think it’s stupid and I hate pulling my planner out in public but if it helps me to get my life in order then I’ll keep using itL.


Almost 40
Here it is...the keeper of my life ugh!!

Monday, January 4, 2016

Peace to 2015…My Destiny is waiting!!

I AM NOT making any resolutions for the New Year because I have never ever in life kept one. And let’s be real I know I need to lose weight and eat healthier (these are the common ones) but that is something I should just do a New Year is not going to make me more or less focused. How do I know because it never has. But I’m working on it.

I really thought hard about what I want my 2016 to look like not so much what I am going to do but who will I be. And then it hit me…10 years ago this week I moved here and it was kind of on a whim. I felt like I just wasn’t doing anything in Chattanooga so I needed to go.  I also wanted to work in my major (Mass Communications with an emphasis in Journalism) and it wasn’t happening in Chattanooga.

I applied to places in Atlanta and Nashville and got nothing. Finally I called a newspaper in Gallatin, TN that I had an internship with when I was in undergrad. They were looking for a Crime beat reporter and asked could I come up for an interview and a writing test. I was offered the job and in about a month’s time (if I am remembering correctly…I am almost 40 LOL) I had to find a place to live, fill up an apartment and get started.

Thank God for my family because I was living with my parents so all I had was clothes and shoes they got everything for me and I was off.

My first few years here I felt like I was killing it…I got an MBA, bought a new car, and a house and then it stopped. I feel like ever since I closed on my house I have not  did anything spectacular…nothing to write home about.

I feel like I have spent these last few years trying to see what’s next. I have just been focused on finding a job I LOVE, making enough money to really live, wishing, praying for a date, a boyfriend, a fiancé , a husband, and a baby. It’s like I have missed out on life trying to see what’s next.

So, for 2016 I want to try to just live and enjoy life! Not worry about tomorrow because as we all know nobody knows what tomorrow holds but the man upstairs. I want to just live in the moment…enjoy every moment as if it’s my last. I am just going to follow Jesus and live my journey as it was written.

One of my new favorite songs is by Tina Campbell called Destiny…I am going to put a little snippet below but the video is attached. Please take a few minutes to listen it will bless you.

I've got a vision and a purpose
A divine destiny
It may not look like it right now
But faith ain't what I see
It is the things I hope for
believing that it will come
And no matter how long it takes
I know God's will shall be done

I know there is a vision and purpose for my life and I think I have been trying to force it but I am just going to Let Go, and Let God and it will happen in HIS time!

I’m not saying I am not going to have moments and wonder why it hasn’t happened yet but I am going to work really hard to not focus on it and just enjoy life with my family and friends. Because really what will be, will be. I have been stressing and worrying the last few years and we see what that has got me…LOTS of headaches!

Happy New Year all…I hope your 2016 is everything you hope it will be!


Almost 40

Peace to 2015!!! #firstselfieof2016
Destiny by Tina Campbell