
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Just One of Them Days!!!

  1. 1 :  unhappiness from the failure of something hoped for or expected to happen <To her disappointment, the cookies were gone.>
  2. 2 :  someone or something that fails to satisfy hopes or expectations <The movie was a disappointment.>

 Disappointment is what I am feeling right nowL!

Have you ever had something you wanted so close and within no time it was taken away? Yep, that happened to me this morning.

So, I know people and I know myself and people will want to know why (heck I would) so in total transparency…here we go.

Long story short…I hope LOL!

An old boss called me about a position with her new company…it was an exciting role doing something I really want to get back to. She said she wanted me but her boss had to approve. I met him and he really didn’t interview me we just chatted. At the end he said it was ultimately her (my old boss) decision unless he doesn’t like the person. Well, fast forward to this morning…guess he didn’t like me she let me know they went with someone else.

I will not bore you with all the facts but let’s just say where I currently am is not turning out how I thought and I feel like I am not using many of my skills and there is a fear that my resume is getting stale due to some impulsive career choices I have made. No one’s fault but my own and I own it. But now as I am getting closer to 40 I want to change it…get back on track.

I want to be a Black Girl who Rocks and I don’t feel like I am rocking right now.

I am not sure how to cure disappointment…I am sure I will be sad for a while, probably eat something super unhealthy (don’t judge me), listen to gospel music…hey I need some Jesus right now. And eventually get back on the band wagon.

I know life is truly what you make it and hard work and sacrifice will eventually pay off. But I am like most humans when I want it right now!

I am going to leave you with a couple quotes from one of the best…Maya Angelou. I hope they will get me and whoever else is maybe having a moment today to feel better.

"You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them."

- Excerpted from Letter to My Daughter, a book of essays (2009)

"We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated."

- The Art of Fiction No. 119, the Paris Review



Almost 40

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