
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Real World Sucks And I Don’t Mean The MTV Show!!!

I'm getting my jelly back dang it!!
Let’s be honest…the real world sucks a lot! As kids we couldn’t wait to be adults and now we would give anything to go back.

I had the opportunity to truly escape from the real world this past weekend to celebrate a friend and hang with some awesome ladies. It was true black girl magic at its finest.

I would be lying if I said I didn’t think about my reality a few times but overall I was all in for this escape.

Calories didn’t count this weekend…I mean one day I had a cupcake and ice cream before lunch now that is living the good life.

I took my shorts and cover-up off with no hesitation…swimsuit only and was okay with it. When I sat down all of my rolls were on display but I didn’t feel self-conscious at all I was just enjoying myself.

If you know me I am rhythm less nation but I shared my moves all weekend LOL!

It was one of those times where I really felt like for once I was living in the moment and that is my biggest goal in this journey to 40.

The black girl magic I experienced this weekend has no doubt made me a better person. Being in the presence of all of these amazing women has pushed me to do better in all aspects of my life.

We laughed until it hurt, we may or may not have shed a tear or two (at the end though LOL). It was exactly what I needed.

Real life sucks…not all of the time but a lot of the time so to escape is priceless.

Now as you are reading this I’m probably sitting at my desk nerves on 1000 because of these 50/11 emails I have and the amount of work to be accomplished today and I’m not happy. BUT I have memories of the past weekend to go back to. Life doesn’t always suck there is fun to be had I just have to find it.

As I continue on this journey to 40 I really am beginning to see that life is really what you make of it. You can sit in the house all the time alone or you can get up, get out, and get something don’t let the days of your life pass by. Well, that’s just what I’m going to do and if I fall back into that place which is highly possible…I have enough black girl magic around  to keep me going.


Almost 40